Contact us

Based in Bromsgrove, working with clients throughout Worcestershire, Warwickshire and the West Midlands.

Our specialist areas are vacancies in the Office, Industrial and Engineering sectors where we work with high-quality candidates helping them to achieve the next step in their careers.

If you have a question or are either a candidate looking to find that next position or an employer with a vacancy which needs filling please drop us a line below, we will be happy to help.

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Contact JS Talent

Office: 01527 833891
Mobile: 07538 531995

Office Hours

Monday to Thursday: 8:30am to 5pm
Friday: 8:30am to 4pm

How can we help?

Please enter your enquiry and details below.

    Looking for a new start? We can help

    If you are a candidate seeking a new job in the West Midlands, Worcestershire or Warwickshire area search our available vacancies.
    You can also fill in our online registration form to allow us to better know you and to seek out the job you need.